Taro Asada1, *, Yuiko Yano2, Yasunari Yoshitomi1, Masayoshi Tabuse1
Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Kyoto Prefectural University,
1-5 Nakaragi-cho, Shimogamo, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8522, Japan
Nara Guarantee Corporation, 163-2 Horencho, Nara 630-8668, Japan
Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]
Corresponding Author
Taro Asada
Received 18 December 2018, Accepted 28 December 2018, Available Online
10 December 2019.
DOI to use a DOI?
Facial expression analysis; real-time system; mouth area; portrait; writing
messages; OpenCV
We have developed a real-time system for expressing emotion as a portrait
selected according to the facial expression while writing a message. The
portrait is decided by a hair style, a facial outline, and a cartoon of
facial expression. The image signal is analyzed by the system using image
processing software (OpenCV). The system selects one portrait expressing
one of neutral, subtly smiling and smiling facial expressions using two
thresholds on facial expression intensity. We applied the system to post
on a Social Network Service (SNS) a message and a portrait expressing the
facial expression.
© 2019 The Authors. Published by ALife Robotics Corp. Ltd.
Open Access
This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license